Monday, April 28, 2008

bragging rights.

i didn't ask my husband to vacuum, he's just that great. isn't he great?

yesterday we got a call from michael's parents that they were stopping by that afternoon so i decided to clean up a bit before they came. as i was cleaning in the bathroom i heard michael bring out the vaccum from the pantry and start it up. so naturally i snapped this picture as proof to the world (and my mom) that i have the greatest husband ever.

when i asked him why he decided to help me clean he said, "it just needed to be done." golly! who knew a man with a vacuum was so sexy?

there's me braggin' rights.


Anonymous said...

Those crazy in-laws of yours!

Your home always looks so nice-you don't have to worry about cleaning for us, but thanks for caring.

I love the picture.... and have to agree....he is extra special...and so are you!

Loved the visit yesterday!


Val. said...

it's true, you guys are the cutest, most-loving couple. awwws. :)

Anonymous said...

You don't have to prove anything to me! That's how I feel when your dad changes the oil in my car or mows that huge acre of lawn!

Love, Mom ><>