Monday, May 26, 2008

TV, you're so overrated!

tonight's program: an evening at home with the bakers.

tonight's menu: BBQ salmon with squeezed lemon wedges, mushroom risotto and merlot.

tonight's entertainment: several selected songs from vetiver and sufjan stevens and original artwork by michael baker.


Val. said...

fantastic! i love you guys; can't wait to experience the new baker home's parties. :)

Anonymous said...

Beats my night of chasing horny little girls out of the boys' hall, supervising three (out of ten) of Jon's penalty work detail cleaning and mopping the co-ed TV room, and trying to find an on-call to come in for our graveyard who broke her toe.

How do you make mushroom risotto?

Love, Mom ><>

jenny baker said...

i make mushroom risotto out of a box. :) thanks to trader joe's!!!

Xenia Kathryn said...

I've been reading Anne of Avonlea... that's been my tv lately.

You guys are so cute. I didn't now that your husband was an artist! Can I see his work sometime? :)