Monday, May 5, 2008

a weekend visit.

on sunday we visited my brother and his girlfriend brandi and brought joey to meet brandi's new kitten, izzy. after joey and izzy entertained us for awhile, michael helped james with the BBQ and we soon had lunch ready. after our BBQ chicken, steak, pasta salad, corn on the cob and fruit salad, (mmmm!) we decided to take a walk around abalone cove. i wasn't wearing the right shoes for navigating rocky beaches, but it was really beautiful anyway. it was great to have a cool cloudy day for once, it's been so hot and muggy in riverside lately. after abolone cove we drove to the redondo beach pier and bought ice cream, (for michael) churros (for james and brandi) and coffee (for me, of course!) for dessert.

joey was pretty surprised to be included for once. this is his "no, seriously? we go bye bye???" face.

the introduction of izzy...

the battle is on! joey loves izzy but wanted her to chase him instead of punching him in the face. izzy is fearless and loves a challenge. (izzy won all of their matches, she's a good little boxer)

cleaning up after lunch. mmmm BBQ!

a tuckered out izzy. battling dogs three times the size of you is tiring.

brandi and james, laughing it up at abalone cove. :)


Val. said...

ha! i love these pictures. james & michael look so happy. ;) and i like how brandi is mirrored. just too cute all-a-round :)

Val. said...

...wait, were you also wearing plaid then?

jenny baker said...

hehe, no i wasn't wearing plaid. i was the odd one out that day. i'm surprised you noticed from the pictures, its a bit different than in person. kudos!

Val. said...

yeah i'm just brilliant i guess. ;)
love yous, wish i could've gone.

b said...

hey thats a tortoise kitten! i rescued about a box of those a little while ago! they are soooo cute!