Tuesday, May 3, 2011


these little strawberries are a sign of delicious things to come. these are my first successes after ages of battling ants and pill bugs for the right to consume freely. i planted some strawberries two seasons ago, (ants!) and this year i planted them in a pot and set it on a plant stand only to seemingly serve the pill bugs. i got a little tip online however about slicing grapefruit and setting them a few inches from the plant to appease the bugs and divert their attention.

good news, i have a grapefruit tree! woot woot!

surprise! turns out audrey's favorite berries are blackberries, so we decided to plant a bush in the backyard. now i get to fight the songbirds!


Lucy said...

Oh I just love that little face of hers!

Lacey said...

people PLANT blackberries?! lol!

jenny baker said...

it would take too long for them to creep all the way from oregon lacey ;)

Val. said...

hmm, my strawberry plant just bloomed. oh Oregon Spring, tardy again. ;)