thanks to those who have been praying for michael and i. we're doing better. when we found out we were pregnant this time, we tried very hard to keep it a secret for as long as we could. we expected that something could go wrong again and were prepared for it. however, our secret didn't last very long (3 days!) due to the fact that my body loves to tell everyone (aka, my boobs get
huge!) yeah... people caught on pretty quickly.
this now being our fourth miscarriage, we've finally gotten over the shock. that may sound a little jaded, but we've just accepted the fact of it. it's another part of life for us now, forever. we don't want pity and we don't feel picked on, we're counting our blessings and agree things could be a lot worse.
physically, this one is easier to deal with so far. i'm not in as much discomfort as before. last fall i took a blood test and was found positive for hyperhomocysteinemia, it's a blood clotting disease that cuts blood and nutrients to the baby and it's a common reason for miscarriage. i've been taking a baby aspirin everyday for several months and now we just have to figure out the dosage until we finally get it right. it actually is a good thing i was tested for the disease because i could be at risk for heart attacks and strokes later in life. if i hadn't had a miscarriage, i probably never would have known.
we're in good spirits and are actually planning a trip to chicago at the end of the month. it may sound like an odd thing to do and at an odd time, but who knows what next year may bring.
hopefully soon i will be tied down with a slobbery stinky baby without any time or money for myself. :)