Monday, May 24, 2010

oh yes, we're fans

audrey and i went to target and bought her this sweet set of wheels. here she is enjoying herself at the mall. mama also picked up some sweet new slippers for herself. :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

it is my favorite and my best

thanks to lauren, hannah & phil and a trip to the downtown library, i'm really looking forward to when audrey starts showing interest in books. i know that's far down the road from now, but michael and i still plan on reading to audrey regularly and making it an important part of her early education.

a series i'm super excited about are the charlie and lola books by, possibly my favorite children's author, lauren child. not only are her illustrations adorable but i love that lola incredibly absolutely has a large vocabulary for a four year old. check out her other books at :)

there's also a television series that's shown on the disney channel. i'd rather buy it on dvd though to regulate audrey's tv time. enjoy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

let's have a picnic....

i have no clothes that fit! with the lil' one i'm more limited on budget than ever, which is unfortunate because i'm a different shape now after giving birth. my maternity clothes are too big and my pre-pregnancy shirts and jackets are too tight for my chest, even my beloved trench coat that i've been hoping to fit back into. oh well, i'm just going to have to get creatively thrifty. accessories can go a long way you know!

i love anthropologie. if budget weren't an issue, i'd love to go crazy in there. so, here's my dream outfit for today:

a cute dress.... (perfect for picnics i think!)
with a flowery bag....
little yellow sandals....
& a bright scarf.
don't forget the perfume! i love flowery/citrus scents :)

Monday, May 3, 2010