Thursday, December 31, 2009

sending a little rainy day optimism your way....

this morning is beautiful and sunny as all mornings are after a good rain. the sun seems to shine a little brighter, the dew a little shinier, and the air much fresher. how appropriate that the last day of the year seems to offer so much hope in such a beautiful and final way. sometimes you can only see the beauty of a storm once it's over, the strength of a hug after a good cry, or the renewal of hope after your soul has been bruised and wrung. though i do not have the talent or wisdom to pull you out of your dark storm, i am here with a little shelter and a little light.

i'm wishing you many beautiful dewy mornings.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

new nephew :)

benjamin elliot eubank

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

simple pleasures...

...are enjoying yummy peppermint hot chocolate while at work, and streaming christmas music over the internet. (peppermint hot chocolate shown, christmas music not shown)

:D happy birthday to my momma too! love you! :D

Monday, December 7, 2009

drizzle & tinsel

we woke up this morning to the beautiful sound of rain. mondays don't seem so bad on rainy mornings. :)

you'd be surprised how warm our house gets with this little guy.


our little apartment tree still works fine. :)