Thursday, June 24, 2010


audrey's favorite lullabies:

somewhere over the rainbow
que sera sera
moon river
scarborough fair

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

how do they put up with me? and a park day

audrey is two months old today :) i decided yesterday that she was old enough to sleep in her own crib instead of the bassinet. she's been sleeping through the night regularly since she was four weeks old so there's no need for her to be in our room any longer, right? as i set her in her crib last night, she settled in and continued to sleep peacefully. as i went about getting ready for bed, i chatted to michael about how this was the best thing for her now and how we should have put her to sleep in the nursery weeks ago and how she should really start using her own room because that's why we bought her all that stuff to set it up and about how good i felt about my decision to leave her in the crib and have i mentioned she's sleeping through the night? i mean that's what you're supposed to do, right?

michael called my bluff pretty quickly thank goodness and i soon grabbed her out of that dangerous crib. i mean what if i didn't hear her when she needed me or she suddenly is able to SIT UP and PULL herself out of the crib or OMG what if she stirs in her sleep and the blankets cover her face?! the blankets?! its better if she sleeps with us because i would KNOW if anythings wrong and gosh she's awfully young isn't she? and i would keep those blankets far, far away and no where near her face. of course. because i would know. of course i would. anyway, audrey will be sleeping in her bassinet in our room for the foreseeable future. audrey may be ready for her crib, but for goodness sakes her mother is not.

here's a few pictures of the lil' pumpkin at the park last week:

lovely maria and audrey.

she loves looking up at trees. :)

napping on the drive back home.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


i made these little headbands out of ribbon this afternoon for audrey, while daddy & i watched funny people. :) they're super cheap and super easy to make, i'm hooked!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


my only surviving sunflower is doing really great! i'm planning to harvest the seeds soon, roasting some & saving the rest to plant later. i hope the birds don't harvest my seeds before i do!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010