Wednesday, July 27, 2011

audrey's aviary?

i'm pretty obsessed with audrey's room lately. even before she was born i've been fiddling with accessories, moving furniture, "window" shopping online and yes, even fogging up joann's with my indecisive pacing. i've very nearly decided on what i want for her comforter on her big-girl bed.... big. fuzzy. oh yes, it's all up in my brainstems. gotta get in here to see the vision. i find i have to get an idea, tell everyone i know what i'm going to do and then back out and go with another idea in the end. i have half an idea to paint a giant tree on the wall in the corner with fabric leaves but let's not get too crazy here.

so instead, i decided to paint some mini birdhouses. i was in joann's, pacing foggly, and saw these wooden birdhouses for $1.00. boom! bam! i slapped my husband's hard earned money on the table and drove home with a plan. i bought some sheets from target a few months ago and wanted to carry that feeling elsewhere in the room.

golly, it was sure nice of audrey to take a longer nap today :)

target sheets. i'll add more photos of the room later.

Monday, July 25, 2011


i was walking around joann's today with a foggy idea of a project to make. i kept walking through the same aisles again and again. touching fabrics. matching up colors and patterns in my mind. i still can't decide if i want to make throw pillows for the living room, a huge floor pillow for audrey (to someday sit and read on, but meantime jump on) or a comforter for her big-girl bed. i stumbled and was humbled by this crazy talent on etsy today. i love the texture she gives to these pillows. i don't have the talent or time to make anything like this, but the little poppy pillow looks feasible.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

peaches are ripe....

....some may have a few thumb holes.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

new garden boots

finally found some garden boots! they aren't wellingtons or hunters, but i'm quite happy with them. just in time too 'cause i'm in the mood for some serious yard work :)