Saturday, November 19, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

i've been happier reading than blogging lately.  apologies.  life's been moving though, my sister came to stay for a week, (which was wonderful!) audrey's baker costume was a hit on halloween and other developments.

enough of that, it's craft time!  we're hosting thanksgiving again this year and i wanted to add some cheap decorations that i could leave up for christmas too. so i decided to make some festive flags!

step 1:  i bought four patterns of 12x12 inch scrapbooking paper at .79 cents each (big spender!) and cut them in half lengthwise.  

step 2:  i then measured out 4" and 8" on the bottom side of one sheet and 2", 6" and 10" inches on the top. then i connected the dots, doing that on each sheet. 

step 3:  then the big task of cutting out all the flags!

step 4:  hole punch the two top corners of each flag. 

step 5:  audrey woke up from her nap so i took a little break.  so we ate some red pepper crackers and watched the neighbor fix his sprinkler across the street. 

step 6:  measure the width of where you want to hang your flags and add 5" inches to allow for a little droop.  i added only 2" for the strings over the doorways for those unfortunate tall people that walk into my house.

step 7:  string your flags and enjoy. :)

yes, i watered the poor plant on the top shelf after this photo was taken.

notice the fireplace as well :)