it's my birthday today, i am
twenty-five. it's a little strange to think of myself at twenty-five, especially since i still look about seventeen. i get carded a lot, not that i buy loads of alcohol or anything. it's more like the people at the grocery store watch me and wonder how i'm getting home. sometimes they'll offer to buy me candy bars. they probably figure my mom's going to come pick me up and change before we go to my soccer game. not really, that was a bunch of made-up stuff, but being 5'2'' tall doesn't help. (i've had a lot of coffee this morning by the way)
i bought a tea-latte at starbucks as a birthday present to myself. it's called
London Fog and it's wicked good. sort of an earl grey/lavender brew. i suggest getting it without the vanilla syrup, unless you like your tea very sweet. i substitute it with a little honey. :)
on a more somber note, today is also the anniversary of roe v. wade. today people in our nation are celebrating the right to kill their unborn children. (i'm going to stand up on my little soap-box for a second...) when my mother was pregnant with me, she had many complications during her pregnancy. long story short, her doctors suggested she have an abortion because it was too risky to her health. thankfully she, laughed in their faces, chose to continue the pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy chubby jenny. if my mother had been anyone else, i might not have been able to celebrate my twenty-fifth birthday today. so yeah, abortion is a personal issue for me. after three miscarriages i
truly see children as a blessing. as a person unable to experience such a blessing, i just cannot understand why someone would willingly terminate a pregnancy.
i don't usually dip into the political world, forgive me if my words were unorganized. i'd love to talk more though, say over some
London Fog maybe? ;)