Thursday, December 9, 2010

what are you reading?

i sometimes go on reading binges after a literary dry spell, i'm on my third book so far. i think it has something to do with the coziness of the season. i'd love to create a family reading nook, a nice cozy place to relax and maybe take a little nap. or i could make one for audrey with big pillows and quilts and make mama a separate one like this: (!!!)


Kaleena said...


A good friend of mine is writing it. I like it because she's been putting out a chapter or so a week which paces me from my normal reading binges of having to finish an entire book in one or two sittings. Which causes me to ignore everything else.

Mimi said...

I'm about four pages from the end of "Sense and Sensibility" - I'm planning on falling on my bed and finishing it up when I get home.

Lacey said...

I love it and I want one too! I'm reading "The Crimson Petal and the White" right now which is about socialites and, ahem, a prostitute in 19th century London. We're planning on getting all the Redwall books for Avery and I'd like to read those again when we do :)

Anonymous said...

I just discovered Barnes & Noble (NookBook app.) has free e-books available. So, lately I have been reading tons of "samples". When I have time maybe go further with one that strikes my fancy. :)

Love, Mom

jenny baker said...

that's a good idea mom, i like the idea of getting a feel for books from samples. i just reread 'snow flower & the secret fan' & 'memoirs of a geisha.'

Val. said...

yes, you should. :)

Lacey said...

Ooh, I loved "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan"! Another really good one was "Peony in Love."