Thursday, February 23, 2012

this morning

audrey's favorite thing to do first thing in the morning is to eat her cereal in front of the space heater.  every morning.  i remember doing the same thing as a kid.  our rented ranch house was at the bottom of a valley and didn't receive a lot of sunlight in the mornings.  sometimes we would dress for school in front of our heater.  my mom still owns that same heater and it sits in her living room.  i sat in front of it one morning when i visited last june.  of course living in southern california with a high of 83 degrees today, a space heater isn't really needed.  i turn it on the lowest heat and take my time busying myself in the kitchen as i make my toast and listening to the familiar hum.  like mother like daughter i suppose :)

cereal is funny business.  

i bought this coffee cup planter at ross the other day (love ROSS and HOME GOODS!) and it gave me an ache in my heart for my sister.  it's just the sort of thing i'd see sitting in her apartment.  if you're reading this valerie... it's too heavy to ship so i'm keeping it! hee hee! check your local ross!

 apparently ross had a monopoly of coffee cup planters, and now so do i.

here are my puffy pregnant feet and a hint of baby boy tummy.  i'm currently in an argument with myself about the nursery.  rational wife jenny agrees with rational husband michael that we should wait to tackle converting the guestroom into a nursery until a few months after baby boy is born.  he'll be sleeping in the bassinet in our room for awhile and out of town family members will need a place to stay after he comes.  BUT hormonal pregnant nesting jenny wants to rip every last piece of furniture out of that room and fill it with woodland stuffed animals, baby quilts, adorable printed curtains, accents of aqua and orange and let the out of town family members sleep on the air mattress in the the living room.  with a tasteful and private folding room divider of course.

 speaking of nurseries, here are my new nasturtium, hollyhock, foxglove and wildflower mix babies.  i just dumped the seeds in the pots in mass and figure i'll thin them out later.  grow babies, grow!



Xenia Kathryn said...

A boy! How wonderful :D Congrats!

Audrey is too cute, but you already knew that :D

Mimi said...

I burned my rear end once changing in front of our wood stove as a kid :)

Cute, cute, cute!

Maria Ham said...

I saw those planters a few weeks ago and thought of you! How funny that I knew you'd love them!

Brandi said...

I'm not sure, but I think I see an Audrey cameo in the green mug planter picture.

Xenia Kathryn said...

Oh, I forgot to weigh in the baby nursery debate... :) Not that my opinion matters at all. Have you thought about painting it, getting it ready, but waiting on setting up the crib? That way you can fit a bed in there for guests, but have everything else prepped and properly "nested" in anticipation :)