Thursday, May 22, 2008

i'm (not) suave.

okay, here's something that hasn't happened in a long time: this morning i was working at an elementary school and there was a police officer taking statements because there had been a break-in at one of the classrooms last night. when the principal came out of her office, she and the police officer decided to go check out the classroom. as he left he said thanks, smiled as he walked towards the door, gave me a "knowing look" and left. i'm not sure what this "knowing look" meant but i guessed it was a police officer flirting tactic. (they probably teach that sort of thing in police academy for the times they will meet random women in elementary school offices.) whatever the "knowing look" was supposed to mean i took it as a flirt, and i'll admit, it made me feel pretty flattered. sure i'll get an occasional "look" from sweaty men buying budweiser at the grocery store but cops? not everyday. so anyway feeling pretty smug about myself i walked back and as i sat down i crossed my legs and THUD! i dropped my right foot into the trash can under the desk.

ooooh yeah, i'm a freakin' catch! so, that was a great lesson in humility Lord. thanks for that. a month from sunday will be michael and my two year anniversary. it's great being an "old married couple" and no longer newlyweds. everyday i continue to realize how blessed i am to have a guy like michael. even when i do dumb things (and especially when i realize i'm still a dumb dorky girl who drops her feet into trash cans) he loves me anyway. :)


Mrs. Ham said...

When I hit the "THUD" I almost choked on my dinner, partly because I had taken too big of a bite, but mostly because I let out this insane laugh that could probably be classified as a mix between a Jewish person pronouncing an "H" sound, hawking a loogie, and a "cackle" type laugh, all meshed together by a short release of air (you know the ones that prelude "I'll just do it myself", "Pshhh", "Pfffh", or "whatever"...or even "yeah right". We are just two peas in one pod you and I. I must say that I too get those "knowing looks"...but from flaky skinned old men with too much nipple hair for me to get any kind of "smug" feeling going on. Way to go Jenny, with an officer of the law. Maybe it has to do with the whole scrub look?

Lauren S. said...

he he he!


TW said...

Oh man, holy trash can, watch out for those cops though...early congrats on the anniversary as well. You and Mike have been such a blessing in my life in absentia from the US as well as this last summer when I felt so welcome at your place and your lives. Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

"Would you just look already!"

Man, I'm glad this still happens to you too. On Wednesday I was walking into work and some people were in the parking lot so I was trying to look all busy and important (you know, uh, like a journalist or something) and as I opened the door I walked into the wall. Yeah. Smooth.

Mimi said...

Tee hee. I'm not suave either, ask me about falling in the grocery store this week.

Anonymous said...

You're such a funny girl. We love ya to pieces.


Anonymous said...

I dunno .. I think you've gotten so much more suave since you left oregon. :\

Love, Mom ><>

b said...

work it girl ! thats how i got out of running a red light and crashing into a police car in the middle of the intersection... not only did he cancel the "officer down" he let me go with out a ticket + invited me to starbucks too! + this is also how i worked my way out of handcuffs in the state of arizona... but that is a longer story.

Pete said...

Thanks for your comment. Hope you two are doing well. I'd love to hear from you sometim

sherry said...

Ha ha ha. This definitely made my day. Not that I'm laughing at your pain or's more of an empathetic chuckle. :) I hope you're enjoying your long weekend!

Val. said...

you are oh so very much related to me.