Thursday, September 25, 2008

civil duty leftovers.

I'M SORRY! whenever i get lazy with posting on my blog, i always feel an apology is required. i myself get a little tiffed when others don't blog as often as I would like. in my early blogging days i decided to blog twice a week (at least!) but now i know life sometimes gets in the way of things, or more in my case, life sometimes isn't very interesting to blog about that often and i should just deal. sigh. anyway there, whew! got that out of the way...

i actually do have something interesting to share, this week i was on a jury for the first time. it was cool to experience court life, see how our city's jurisdiction works and of course, to have an excuse to have lunch downtown is fine too. (there's a nice coffee bean & tealeaf on mission boulevard that overlooks a commons area, it's great for people watching!) the case i was on was about a man convicted of possessing a manufactured weapon while in a state prison. we found him guilty. the case was only two days long, which i prefer because working as a substitute i'm considered temporary and don't get compensated. i'm looking forward to being called again though, it's very worthwhile.

well, my lunch break is over. i'm at the church today so i've been feasting on chips and salsa left from last night's study class. time to print the bulletin for sunday. :)


Kaleena said...

Thanks for the post...

Anonymous said...

I always appreciated the judicial system more when I was on jury. It's like looking at it from the inside, eh?

Love, Mom ><>

Mimi said...

I had jury duty once, it was fascinating. My dad is a judge, so it helped to see the process sort of through his eyes.

Glad you are back, I miss you.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool, I've always wanted to be called to jury duty. My dad always like doing it, and I think that sort of rubbed off on me as something neat to do.

Lauren S. said...

The last time I had to go in was the day after my 21st birthday (yup I went a little overboard on dumb girly drinks). I do not have fond memories of being there. :P

Glad it went well for you though. I wouldn't mind going again, but the kiddies keep me out of it now.

Brian Baker said...

Haven't had the privilege to attend jury duty yet. Now that I have graduated, maybe I will soon get to experience what it feels like to be a true red, white, and blue citizen of the United States of America.

Nothing like serving justice, while also being served by the reality that there are evil people in the world. Hopefully I will always be the server rather than the customer.

Here is your check sir: 10 years in the state penitentiary. Punk! And don't forget to tip!