Tuesday, March 4, 2008

goodbye waist...

i know, it's not the most original way to announce a pregnancy, but there it is! i'm almost five and a half weeks along now, the pregnancy guides that i read tell me that the baby's heart will start beating this week and that it's between 1.5 - 2.5 millimeters. so basically i have a beating grain of rice in my abdomen, an adorable little beating grain of rice! i was worried the first few days because i wasn't feeling nearly as pregnant as i thought i should, but now my body has more than made up for it. i'm bloated (in the form of a pre-babybump "gas baby") and tired (i stole an extra three minutes of pillowtime this morning, it was blissful) but i'm so happy.

i will admit though that the pain of my last pregnancy still lingers. i have thought about what would happen if this pregnancy would end in a similar way. i'm optimistic, but two failed pregnancies in a row is difficult for anyone to take. how long can one person keep putting up a smiling face? i don't blame God for taking my baby. how could i blame him for something that was never guaranteed to me? i don't believe it was a punishment but i do believe it was a test. i can only hope that i passed the test.

the one thing that i wish? that i didn't have to work. i haven't been able to think one straight thought for a few weeks now and work has only amplified that fault. i can't remember what i had for lunch yesterday let alone remember to turn in my co-workers timecards or get urgent contracts signed. i repeat almost everything i say to poor michael because i can't remember if i already told him or if i dreamed it. the blood is no longer pumping to my brain. it's a good thing for me that people pity pregnant women, otherwise i could lose my job or something. :)


Mrs. Ham said...

Jenny you make me smile!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Bring on that baby!

Xenia Kathryn said...

Jenny, I'm so happy for you!!!! Congratulations.

No blood flow to my brain either... it's been almost 7 months now! :)


Lauren S. said...

Nice post, Jenny. I pray for you and your adorable grain of rice sized baby everyday.

Val. said...

cute. i love the above BabyBaker timeline as well. talked to mom this morning, we're excited you get to have an autumn baby... a turkey day baby?

erin* said...

Yay babies! Congratulations, friend!

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember Rebekah, the pastor's daughter from Fred Meyer Baptist? She and her husband are also expecting their first baby in October.

Love you, and congratulations! mom

Val. said...

oh goodness, erase that spammy comment.