Tuesday, February 19, 2008

family tree.

i've always been interested in geneology, but don't think i possess the dedication or patience enough to research my own family tree. thankfully, it is a convenient hobby of my mom's cousin, doris.

from time to time, she sends an emormous email to her mailing list of family members and gives an update on her progress. in her most recent email i learned that i have jewish ancestry, something i have always suspected. my mom's family is dutch, but we're all dark haired with olive skin tones, not the typical fair skinned and blond.

jewish ancestry would also explain why so many men in my mom's family have that distinctive hawk-like nose. mainly, my brother. :)


Val. said...

momma said she'd sign me up for those emails but so far nada; that's cool news though. :) i like your tree picture.

Lauren S. said...

I'm pretty sure Shirley is Jewish. Just saying. :)